My teacher had told 'the class' to present whatever we've written on the last day before vacation, for none of us were in the mood to study then, This is what i presented in the class.
-Genuinely, Comred Adwait's
has been two days that I haven't made up my mind about what I should write
about. It's not because I am not able to find a topic to write on, but it's
because all the topics are clashing in my mind in such a way that I am now in dilemma
about what topic should I write on. Come on goddamn brain! Become an autocrat
like Orwell's 1984's 'Big Brother' and force my thoughts to concentrate in a
single topic. Come on brain I've had enough with the revolution of thoughts
going on in you now you must suggest me the best thought going on in you.
Let me think about my thoughts, Conspiracy theories? A story? Composition about
the upcoming elections? Condolence to Jagdish Ghimere? My reaction to Putin
being the most powerful person of the world? Reaction about the picture of
bunch of nudists I saw today in the book that my sociology teacher brought in
the class? My feelings for the person who was sleeping in the road, whom
'Monica'(my friend) told me to kick? Character sketch of my best buddy Pranish,
the diehard fan of Kurt Kabin? Or the old prose about nationalism, country's
glorification, respect to the national anthem and all those which my friend think are boring
things to listen to? Or should it be my opinion about the three letter world
that starts with 'S'? Oh thoughts! Come on stop your pulling and pushing, none
of you are good enough to be written down in the paper.
would Pranish say to me if I don't write down something? He was not going to
come on the last day, it was 'I' who purposely in a way 'ordered' Pranish to
come, for I was going to present 'something' in the class the last day. Come on
dear brain, next time I won't let my thoughts bombard you like this. Please! Help
me write something this time.
talks to me>>
Adwait, read what you've written, for you've achieved what you desired for. The
clash of your thoughts going on in me have produced a great prose.
written a Monologue!
this in the class on the last day before holidays and keep your promise, you
made to Pranish.
to me>>
you Brain!
I've also made out a moral.
brings peace'
my thoughts' clashes made me write a monologue}
-Genuinely, Comred Adwait's
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